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Week Three (September 5-10) 

This week was one of my better weeks. 

On Monday, I stayed home to catch up on my asynchronous coursework. 

On Tuesday, I came onto UCBA campus around 7:30am.  I worked Student Life from 8-9, then had class 9:30-10:50am. Afterwards, I had a meeting with my advisor where we talked about graduating from UCBA in the Spring (with my Associate's degree) and transitioning to Clifton to complete my Bachelor's degree! Then, I worked the Welcome Desk from 12-2. I then closed out my day with working Student Life from 2-4pm. 

On Wednesday, I took my Free COVID-19 test. Since I was one of the first 150 people, I also recieved a Free UCBA water bottle! Then, I worked the COVID testing event from 10:30 - 1:3o pm. 

On Thursday, I worked Student Life from 8-9; had class 9:30 - 10:50 am ; worked Student Life and distributed football tickets from 11am-3pm. I wrapped up my work week with my Honor's class from 3:30-4:25pm. 

On Friday, I worked through some more asynchronous coursework. I had an amazing counseling session with our new CAPS counselor on UCBA Campus, Jim! Afterwards, I attended our first biweekly Ambassador meeting from 3-4pm. 

On Saturday, I received the results from our COVID mitigation testing event! It was negative! I highly recommend that everyone gets tested and submits their results to the UC COVID Check app so we can see how COVID-19 is effecting our college community!  


Overall, this week was pretty great! 

I have included some of my favorite moments from the week here: 

a) Finding out that my Leadership Role is "Event Manager" with my co-leader Jamie, who is one of my closest friends! I can't wait to get started! 

b) Distributing the football tickets for Student Life on Thursday.

c) Working the COVID event! We had lots of fun playing giant connect-4 and encouraging people to get tested! 

We have football tickets!.jpg
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