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Week Seven (October 4-8) 

This week was extremely challenging for me. Although I did not work very many events, I still feel emotionally and physically exhausted. 

On Monday, I stayed home and caught up on my asynchronous online coursework. In the evening, I worked at the Dry Cleaners. 

On Tuesday, I worked Student Life from 8-9, attended my sociology lecture from 9:30-10:50. After that, I worked the welcome desk from 11-2p. Then, I returned to the Student Life desk and staffed it until 3:45pm. I then had a quick dinner out  and closed out the busy day with tutoring at my local library. 

On Wednesday, I met with Kelsi Goins about the previous Open House and about planning for the next one. The Open House last week was of course challenging for everyone but there were a few issues that Kelsi and I wanted to talk through in order to improve the upcoming one! I truly valued this meeting time since I felt not only heard by Kelsi but also like she truly cared. I also staffed two classroom visits! The first was with Jamie from 11:15-12:15 and the second was with Ruth from 12:20-1:20pm. I loved working these classroom visits especially because they were with Jamie and Ruth, who I consider to be some of my closest friends. I ended up taking off from the Dry Cleaners this night due to emotional distress. Wednesday was the hardest night that I have had in a while. I share this because I think transparency is important and I also value the de-stigmatization of mental health. Many know that I struggle with OCD as well as Seasonal Affective Disorder and Anxiety. Instead of denying that I was struggling, I allowed myself some rest. Even though it was only a short amount of time, I let myself have a night where I didn't force myself out of bed. The important part though, that shows growth, that makes me proud of myself, is that on Thursday morning, I got up. I allowed myself some time to feel my emotions and then I moved on. I truly need more time to rest, to feel my emotions and I know that, but for now just one night every once in a while will hold me over. 

On Thursday, I worked Student Life 8-9 and then had my sociology class from 9:30-10:50am. I returned to the Student Life desk and worked it from 11-3pm. I went on a brief intermission from my FDA shift to meet with Chris regarding an event I have planned as part of my Event Manager role. I closed out the day with my Honors Lecture from 3:30-4:25pm. 

Friday, I allowed myself to rest even more. I truly needed this day to just be home. I caught up on my giant pile of laundry, I did some deep cleaning and caught up on a few assignments. Other than all of those things, I caught up on sleep, worked through my current personal reading/challenge: "The Forgiveness Journal" , and I even got to watch a few episodes of Grey's Anatomy. The absolute best part of my day though, was all the baby snuggles I got and all the smiles we shared in our day of rest. 

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